Each wine has its history and we want to share it with you


“Caparrones” whit sacraments recipe

“Caparrones” is a traditional Spanish dish we serve during the late fall and winter harvest seasons with fresh pork and red beans. The “Caparrones” beans have thin skins, a creamy texture, and yield a sweet, dark liquor. The “Sacramentos” are the...

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The lastest success of Bardos

  Tim Atkin, Master of Wine y uno de los críticos de vino más prestigiosos del Reino Unido, acaba de publicar la puntuación que ha otorgado a nuestros vinos de Ribera del Duero en su reciente visita a la región. Nada más y nada menos que 96 puntos para el Reserva...

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Bodegas Bardos. Take a moment to drink a life

Bardos, our collection of wines from Ribera del Duero and Rueda, with a new, clean and elegant image through the use of four labels that reflect the tough, unique lands and brave men and women that work that land. Una experiencia redonda que se completa con un viaje...

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De Bardos receive 90 + points in Wine Enthusiast magazine

The collection De Bardos, wines from Ribera del Duero continues to score high points on international ratings. This time, one of the most influential wine magazines in the world, Wine Enthusiast magazine gave 90 points to De Bardos Mítica Reserva 2012 and 92 points to...

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The collection of Matsu wines suitable for vegans

The Matsu wine collection has received the V-Label certification granted by the European Vegetarian Union. This seal determines that these wines are suitable for the vegan consumer. In this regard, Bodegas Matsu has eliminated all the ingredients and additives of...

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Visit our wineries and encounter a Vintae-style experience

Wine tourism is in fashion, so why not do it Vintae-style? If visiting wineries is your thing, but you have grown tired of  being offered the same thing, remember that at both Bodega Classica (Rioja) and Aroa Bodegas (Navarra), we want to surprise you by proposing new...

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¿Eres mayor de 18 años?

Para garantizar que nuestros vinos se disfrutan de forma responsable debemos confirmar que eres mayor de edad para comprar y consumir alcohol en tu país de residencia. De no existir una legislación al respecto sobre este tema, debes ser mayor de 18 años.