The Crew
Get to know the team behind
the craziness called Vintae.
At Vintae, we are a crazy bunch that loves to have fun, enjoy life, and dream about creating wine. Following a decade of traveling to all corners of Spain, we have set up camp in 14 different regions, where the vineyard takes center stage and we try to transmit the story and landscape of each region through the wines that we make. All of the effort and love that we put into our work has a single objective: make the wonderful world of wine available to all that are open to and interested in exploring it.
Long live wine and good people!
All the those that form part of this team are very different individuals but are united behind one common denominator: a contagious passion that we try to share each day with more people from the most human and fun perspective possible. It comes pretty naturally to this group, so if you want to discover the faces behind all this, keep scrolling down.
Jorge Andrés Pérez
Miguel Pérez
Jefe de Ventas
Juan Pablo Soto
Operario de bodega
Juan Cerezo
KAM Nacional
Andrea Eraso
Operaria de bodega
Dioni Madurga
Richi Arambarri
Manager General
Julio González
Delegado Comercial
Joaquín Gámez
Técnico de Marketing
Arola Esteban
Embajadora de Marca
Matt Pym
Comercial Exportación
Patricia Arambarri
Víctor Clavijo
IT Manager
Asier Amillano
Operario de bodega
Miguel Argomániz
Raúl Carreño
Javier Huarte
Planificación y Compras
Octavio Madurga
Iñaki Olaberri
Rodrigo González
Nacho Fdez.
Redactor Creativo
Jorge Moracia
Operario de bodega
Jesús Sanz
Director Comercial Nacional
Erik Wolff
Director de Exportación
Miguel Ángel Martínez
Operario de bodega
Jesús Fernando Jorge
Operario de bodega
Mariano Blazquez
Delegado Comercial
Ana Belén Gil
KAM Exportación
Tito Rodríguez
Director de Arte
Liuba Letorova